December 27, 2011

How to Eat Mindfully: Learn to Appreciate Every Bite.

The true testament to the power of food goes beyond any sensory gratification to the feelings of love and togetherness it evokes. Yet, it seems so easy to overlook the deeper pleasures of the table amid the hectic holiday swirl.

"The body's logic is to respond to any stressor by focusing on taking as much food as possible and storing it," says Martha Beck, life coach and author of The Four Day Win: End Your Diet War and Achieve Thinner Peace. "But you're not enjoying it. So if you're stressed—and most people are during the holidays—you will overeat and won't enjoy the time."

By encouraging you to let go of stressors and enjoy the food you're eating, mindfulness can help you make the most of your food choices, paving the way for truly appreciating and savoring them.

1. Inhale and exhale.
"I used to get so sick of people telling me to breathe in and out, but now I realize there is deep, neurological stuff going on," Beck says. "This is why every meditation tradition focuses so obsessively on the breath: Slow, deep, even breathing tells the brain stem to put the entire brain into a state of calm." Take five deep in-and-out breaths after you sit down at the table and before you lift your fork.

2. Give thanks.
"The parts of your brain that are associated with gratitude and appreciation cannot operate when there is stress," Beck says. But the good news is the reverse is also true: "If you're focused on gratitude, the stress can't take over. Gratitude stops addictive patterns in the brain." After your five deep breaths, allow yourself a moment of gratitude, silent reflection, or prayer for the food you are about to eat.

3. All food is good.
Remove "good" and "bad" from your food vocabulary. You can't completely enjoy a piece of cake if you're telling yourself it is bad for you. "There is no such thing as a bad or wrong food," Beck says. "If you get rid of the judgmental language around food, it becomes less stressful." When making food decisions, try replacing "I should" or "I shouldn't" with "I choose to."

4. Replay frustrating situations.
When you do find yourself mindlessly eating or reacting to stress by reaching for something sweet or salty (it does happen to everyone), forgive yourself and move on. "Because we tend to remember what we did wrong, it helps to replay it in your mind with a different outcome," Beck says. "It's a way of rehearsing that behavior so it replicates more easily." Instead of mentally putting yourself through the ringer, replay the situation in your head again. You went overboard with the cheese board or the cocktail bar, and you're unhappy. Replay the scenario, only this time you're taking a bite or sip, enjoying it slowly, and truly savoring every flavor.

5. Enjoy what's on your plate.
"Never eat anything you don't enjoy, and truly enjoy everything you eat," says Beck. Take the first four bites of your meals slowly and with full attention on the food: Savor the flavors and textures so that you can begin to understand what mindful eating feels like.

How to Eat Mindfully

December 6, 2011

Know When to Inhale and Exhale During Exercise

Breathing… we do it every day without being consciously aware of how we do it. Yet the act of inhaling and exhaling during exercise is sometimes confusing to people. Exercise such as strength training requires a steady flow of oxygen. Proper breathing techniques provide your muscles with optimum levels of oxygen, help prevent injury and reduce your risk of high blood pressure induced by lifting weights (called the valsalva maneuver). The pace of your breath can provide rhythm for your strength training repititions while helping to stabilize your core. Generally you want to exhale, or breath out, during the concentric (or muscle shortening) phase of the exercise, which aids in supporting your core and generation force. For example, while doing a biceps curl, breathe out when you bend your elbow and raise the weight then inhale during the relaxation (or eccentric) phase when you lower the weight. And don't lose focus on your breathing after your set is complete. Slowing your breath as you rest is another great method to help you relax and recover from exercise.

December 1, 2011

Energy in Motion: Reflecting Forward

Another December has rolled around...leaving us all to wonder "how did that happen?!" Soon we will be shoveling snow (remember, bend at the knees!) instead of digging in the sand. But, at Energy in Motion, we think snow, sand,'s all good. Each season brings with it the opportunity to mix up our workout routines, to try new foods using what's in season, and to look at the world with a different view.

As we reflect back on the year of 2011, we've had some fantastic opportunities and highs. We are committed, more than ever, to bring health and wellness to everyone and to continue sharing what we learn with you. We are excited about what 2012 holds in store (another new video release!). Most of all, we couldn't have continued our success and growth without you. And for that we give a big, heartfelt "THANK YOU".

Happy Holidays everyone! Best wishes in the upcoming year.