Office workers face many physical demands which add pain and stress to their bodies hindering their wellness. This stress inevitably takes its toll on employee's emotional and physical health As more employees are required to work longer hours and handle greater amounts of work, more companies are trying to make the workplace a friendlier, healthier place by providing on-site amenities, such as yoga classes. Having yoga on company grounds helps employees improve their productivity and mental clarity while reducing the number of sick days.
A recent study by the Health Education & Behavior Journal found that twenty minutes per day of guided workplace meditation and yoga combined with six weekly group sessions can lower feelings of stress by more than 10 percent and improve sleep quality in sedentary office employees. This leads to more productive and less stressed employees. Yoga at work also provides both the physical and mental components that can help reduce the common aches and pains created through tight muscles and repetitive use patterns, while strengthening the body and having it be in correct aligment. Workplace yoga is also convenient, affordable, and easy to set up.
One or two classes a week will develop concentration, focus and mental flexibility. It will strengthen the immune system, reducing absenteeism from work. It will also compliment the company's working community and team building efforts, provide each staff member a time for personal development, and can be used as a recruitment and retention tool.
Bringing yoga to the worksite gives employees the break they deserve. Energy in Motion provides that benefit with cost effective workplace yoga classes allowing employees to take an active role in their health. Held in an empty conference room, yoga classes enable participants to return to work with a calm focused energy. All classes consist of breathing exercises, warm-up stretches, flowing sequences, and exercises that build strength and stamina. Each session ends with a relaxing guided meditation designed to decrease stress and promote physical and mental wellness.
Please contact us if you would like further information on any of our programs. We welcome all of your inquiries, comments and suggestions.
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