December 6, 2011

Know When to Inhale and Exhale During Exercise

Breathing… we do it every day without being consciously aware of how we do it. Yet the act of inhaling and exhaling during exercise is sometimes confusing to people. Exercise such as strength training requires a steady flow of oxygen. Proper breathing techniques provide your muscles with optimum levels of oxygen, help prevent injury and reduce your risk of high blood pressure induced by lifting weights (called the valsalva maneuver). The pace of your breath can provide rhythm for your strength training repititions while helping to stabilize your core. Generally you want to exhale, or breath out, during the concentric (or muscle shortening) phase of the exercise, which aids in supporting your core and generation force. For example, while doing a biceps curl, breathe out when you bend your elbow and raise the weight then inhale during the relaxation (or eccentric) phase when you lower the weight. And don't lose focus on your breathing after your set is complete. Slowing your breath as you rest is another great method to help you relax and recover from exercise.

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