April 4, 2012

Living Healthy at Work

Workplace Luch (Photo credit: AlyssssylA)
The mantra of every man or woman in a high-commitment job who also wants to lose weight is “If only…”. First you head to work in the morning, where you’re on the go non-stop until lunch, cramming down some food as quickly as possible or even at your desk while checking email. Then you’re back to business, working until you look up and notice it’s the end of the day or worse, it’s past the end of the day and you’re the only one left. Sometimes you may have work to take home or have longer days. How is living a healthy lifestyle supposed to occur when you eat, sleep, and breathe work? It’s easier than you think!

First, explore your options that may already exist at your work. Do they offer on-site fitness facilities or classes? Is there a group of coworkers who go to work out together or supporting each other through a diet? What is already in place that can help? Then, come up with your exercise plans based on your own needs as well as your schedule. Can you wake up an hour earlier in the morning? Is there a gym close by your work or home to cut down on traffic time? Do you prefer swimming, biking, yoga, or jogging? 

Find ways that you can integrate your exercise plans in your day. If you can only manage a short workout before work in the mornings, during your lunch break, close the door and do a 20 minute Pilates, yoga, or Tai Chi routine; these exercises can often be done with little to no sweating so you can get back to work quickly without an extra shower.

Consider your meal plans that function with your work day as well. If you find yourself rushing in the morning and skipping breakfast, have something ready each day that you can take with you – maybe low-fat yogurt with granola and a grapefruit. For lunch, take something with you that you can keep tucked in your purse so that you don’t have to worry about the time or inconvenience to microwave your meal or be tempted to eat out. Tuna wraps with an apple and some low-fat string cheese can make for an easy, healthy meal that you can eat in spurts as you need to while you’re on the go.

Let people at work know what your goals are and that you’d appreciate if they didn’t try to cajole you into eating unhealthy items. If there will be a celebration or potluck luncheon, bring something you know you can eat.

Work can take over your life if you let it and while it’s completely true that you shouldn’t let it determine the rest of your life, the reality is that to some extent, it does. Rather than be frustrated that work usurps your energy and time causing you to make unhealthy choices, work with your schedule and your environment to find what works for you. It may not be perfect, but it’s definitely a serious step up from doing nothing at all.

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